The Fire Department is a volunteer organization made up of roughly 35 people from Arcola and the Rural Municipality (R.M.) of Brock.
The cost of fire prevention, suppression and emergency response services within the town and R.M. shall be charged directly to the person(s) who receive the service in accordance with the following rates:
- Ratepayers to the Town and R.M. – $1,000 per fire call up to three (3) hours and $500 per hour thereafter.
- The Council may authorize the Administrator to add to the taxes of any property owned by the person referenced in Section 3(a) of this bylaw by any amount which remains unpaid, at any time.
- Fire calls to other municipalities and non-ratepayers at a rate of $750 per hour.
- Computation of time charged to be based on time of departure from the Arcola Fire Hall until the time returned to the Arcola Fire Hall.
Remember – if there is a fire or any type of emergency, please call 9-1-1.