The Town of Arcola is very excited about the progress JJ Trucking has made on our Waste Water Lagoon Expansion Project! Below is some awesome footage of all the work being done thus far. This really goes to show the magnitude of the project and how big it will be!
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Regens Service Alert: Curbside Recycling Pickup for Arcola has been rescheduled to this Friday, March 10th alongside the Curbside Trash pickup. Please ensure both carts are out and at least 3 feet apart from each other. Following this, trash and recycle pickups will return to the regular schedule. For the 2017 pickup schedule […]
Ever wonder why your water usage is so high? Perhaps you have a leaky toilet or faucet. Check out these leak prevention tips below that could help you conserve water! Water Costs Money… Don’t Waste It!